We returned to the Hot Tub for a series of Winter training in the luxurious warm waters of Hampton Pool.

Lovely 28º pool

7 lovely people joined us for the Taster session, some complete beginners and some with a little experience. The session started with a brief run down of the board, leash and paddle set up. Basic turns were shown on dry land before everyone got in to put it to practice. After about 10 minutes of turning and trying to paddle straight, it was time to try standing.

Learning how the paddle fits together
Practicing turning

Some looked worried about this prospect but after we showed them the basics everyone was standing and paddling up and down the pool. Some fell in a little, some a lot, but the pool is so warm it really doesn’t matter. Near the end of the session everyone was asked to jump in and practice self rescue. This is such an important skill to learn and unfortunately one that gets neglected, “How do you get back on when you fall off”? Again everyone mastered the basics. We all wear floatation devices too so no need to worry if you are not a strong swimmer.

Mastering Standing

A great evening was had by all and everyone did amazingly and most of all it was fun!

We also ran our Dittons Dolphins SUP Polo training with drills and skills. It is great fun and great to be able to train in a warm pool as there is a lot of falling in! Anyone can join so why not come along and try it. You will have loads of fun!

Running around the board to get the ball